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Safety Rules

Parents: Our Bus Expectations may be reviewed in the link provided below. They can also be found in your student's school handbook. It is encouraged to review the bus safety expectations with your child each school year.   Transportation Policy

Please watch this video:

Front of Bus Crossing Procedures

When students have to cross the roadway in front of the bus, they should:

1. Exit the bus and always walk to the front of the bus.
2. Be at least ten steps towards the front of the bus off to the side.
3. Wait for approved signal from the bus driver before crossing.
4. Stop at the traffic side of the bus and look left, right, and left to be sure it is safe to cross.
5. If it is safe to cross, walk across the roadway. DO NOT RUN.


What Every Driver Must Know About

Flashing School Bus Lights

1. When overhead yellow lights are flashing – prepare to stop.
2. When overhead red lights are flashing. Stop no closer than 20 feet from the bus.
3. Proceed when red lights are turned off.

4. When only the yellow hazard warning lights are flashing on moving or stopped bus – proceed with caution.



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