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Belding Area Schools


The District School Improvement Plan is a statement of the District’s vision, mission, goals, and strategies. We use the content of the plan as an evaluation tool by which we measure our progress towards our stated goals. Belding Area Schools utilizes the NCA District Accreditation Model to drive school improvement.


BAS District School Improvement Plan 2015-2016


6+1 Writing at BHS


Belding Area Schools began using the 6+1 Trait Writing framework in 2005. This framework can be used at all grade levels and in all classes to provide common language for teaching writing and assessing it. It has helped students and teachers create a common vision of what “good” writing looks like. Teachers and students can use the 6+1 Trait model to pinpoint areas of strength and weakness as they continue to focus on improved writing. We have seen an increase in writing scores on the MEAP , MME and ACT tests since we began using this program. Belding High School has incorporated the 6 +1 Traits in our school improvement goals as a means to improve student writing skills in all content areas. The documents below provide a description of each of the six traits as well as a sample rubric used by students for peer and self editing and by teachers for assessing writing.


6 + 1 Traits

Writing Evaluation Rubric

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