Title III Program Documentation
2016-17 Consortium Plan (Title III & Title I, Part C)
Strategic Planning Year to Year Consortium
Belding Area Schools and Consortium Immigrant Plan
2016-2017 MMMEP Professional Development Plan
Home Language Survey 2016 (Spanish)
English Learner (EL) Exit Protocol 8-3-2017
MDE Entrance and Exit Criteria for English Learners
English- Initial Notification of Student Placement in English Learner 5-17
Spanish -Initial Notification of Student Placement in English Learner 5-17
English-Annual Notification of Student Placement in English Learner 5-17
Spanish -Annual Notification of Student Placement in English Learner 5-17
Student Friendly Can Do Description
U.S. Department of Education English Learner Tool Kit
U.S. Department of Education Newcomer Tool Kit
Supplement and Not Supplant Provision
EL Comprehensive Program of Services
Equitable Services for Private Schools Document
MDE WIDA Screener & W-APT Screener Policy Manual
M-Step, MI-ACCESS, and WIDA Supports and Accommodations Guidance Document
Essential Practices in Early and Elementary Literacy
Engaging EL Families – 20 Strategies for School Leaders
Guidance for Implementing the 3rd Grade Reading Law with English Learners
English Learner General Accommodations Checklist for the General Education Classroom and Resources
Skyward, MSDS, and BAA Secure Site
LEP in MSDS LEP in Skyward – see pages 55-58 LEP in PowerSchool EL in Secure Site (Directions found within this document)