No Child Left Behind Federal Legislation requires local school districts to identify and serve students in “homeless” situations. The definition of homeless is much broader than one might expect. Essentially, anyone who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence can be qualified as homeless. This includes, but is not limited to, those who live in shelters, abandoned buildings, cars, public spaces, those who share housing with other families because of economic hardship or live in motels, hotels or campgrounds.
It is the district’s responsibility to help identify these children, enroll them in school and help them with opportunities for academic success. If you believe a member of your household may qualify as homeless, please contact the district immediately to obtain the necessary paperwork and identify eligible students. Contacts are listed below. Our goal is to do whatever it takes to help our children be successful.
District Homeless Liaison Jennifer Heeres 616.794.4740
Ellis Elementary Jennifer Heeres 616.794.4740
Woodview Elementary Jennifer Heeres 616.794.4740
Belding Middle School Ed Albert 616.794.4445
Belding High School Jodi Edwards 616.794.4939
Click the link below for general information about homeless rights.
McKinney Vento Rights
Student Residency Identification/Eligibility Form