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Belding Area Schools

I would like to place article in The Belding Banner. What is the process?

The Belding Banner is published two times a year; once in the spring and once in the fall. You should contact the Central Office at 616.794.4700 for further information.

How do I enroll in the adult education program?

Call the adult education office to schedule an orientation time.  The number is (616) 794-4607.

How do I register to become a substitute teacher or paraprofessional? 

All substitutes need to register through the Ionia County Intermediate School District at 616.527.4900. You may register to substitute for the entire county or specify to substitute only at Belding Area Schools.

How do I apply for employment at Belding Area Schools?

All positions currently open are listed on our website. Please see additional information in the job opportunities section.

How do I obtain a transcript? 

Transcripts can be obtained by contacting the High School Registrar at 616.794.4952.

How do I enroll my child in school?

To enroll a new student, the parent/guardian needs to contact the school in which the child will attend. An enrollment packet will need to be completed for each child (available online). Parents/Guardians also need to bring proof of residency, the child's birth certificate, and a copy of the child's immunization record. If a family enrolls during the summer when the school buildings are closed, they should contact the Central Office at 616.794.4700.

Birth certificate, how can I get a copy?

To enroll a new student, the parent/guardian needs to contact the school in which the child will attend. An enrollment packet will need to be completed for each child (available online). Parents/Guardians also need to bring proof of residency, the child's birth certificate, and a copy of the child's immunization record. If a family enrolls during the summer when the school buildings are closed, they should contact the Central Office at 616.794.4700.

Do I have to have a physical to play in a sport?

Yes. You need to have an updated physical each school year. Most years BAS offers physicals during the summer. Watch our web site or contact your student's building for more details.

Why should I get involved in drama?

A student should get involved with extracurricular activity because it enhances the feeling of belonging at the high school. It is an enriching experience that helps with personal growth and teamwork. Many students view the BHS Drama Club as a second family and leave with many wonderful memories.

How many students are involved in each production?

In the fall, the cast size ranges from twenty to forty students. Therefore, this show is typically more competitive. On the other hand, in the spring, the cast size ranges from fifty to sixty-five students, this allows for more participation.

What is the Academy Awards?

Academy Awards is the drama club's celebration for participating in the year's productions. Students can be nominated for awards such as Best Actor/Actress, Best First Performance, Best Dancer, Best Singer, etc. In order to attend, students pay a five dollar fee during the school year in order to help with the cost of the ceremony.

What are the productions?

The fall production happens in mid-November, and the spring musical happens in mid-March.

What are auditions like?

Students will be expected to do a number of things to try-out for a part. This involves reading lines, singing, dancing, performing character actions, or simply introducing oneself.

What if a student does not make it into the cast, or would like to be involved in another way?

A student who does not make the cast or would like to get involved in another way can choose to help with tech/stage crew, set construction, hair and makeup, or ushering.

When are auditions held?

For the fall play, we typically have them during the second week of September. Whereas, for the spring musical, we have them a week or two before Christmas break.

What information does the school need in order for me to volunteer or chaperone?

As a first step, contact the building you would like to get involved with. They will take your name and a background check will be completed before you can volunteer at the school or chaperone an event. Once you’re approved, a school representative will contact you to let you know.

When do I need to stop for a school bus?

In most cases, when a bus is going to pick-up or drop-off a student, the overhead yellow lights will start flashing several hundred feet before the bus stops. When the bus stops, the overhead red flashing lights will come on. When you see the yellow lights flash, slow down and prepare to stop. When the red lights come on, you must be stopped.

In some special cases, we do not use the overhead lights when we stop for students. If no students are crossing the road and the bus can get completely off the road, as is the case on M-44, we may use the 4-way hazard lights instead of the overhead lights. In this case, a motorist should slow down and proceed with caution past the stopped bus.

Can my child bring a friend home on the bus?

Yes, in most cases, we can do this. You must call the Transportation Office to make this arrangement. We cannot, however, accommodate groups (i.e. birthday parties).

How close will the stop be to my house?

The bus stop will be within a quarter of a mile of a student’s home. While we do not do “door-to-door” service, we will make the stops as convenient as safety and efficiency allows. Where several students live in an area, they may need to be at a centrally-located bus stop. This applies to all students K-12.

Who is eligible to ride a bus to school?

Any student who lives more than one-half mile from the school they attend is eligible to ride the bus.

How do I get my Skyward Parent Access account?

If you are a parent of a student at Belding Area Schools then you can access your students records via Skyward’s Parent Access. Call  (616) 794-4551 to set up an account. If you already have an account then click here to go to the login page.

What is the difference between accommodations and modifications?

It is important for parents to know the difference between accommodations and modifications. We have put together a chart to help explain the major differences.


My student is struggling. I think they may have a learning problem. Who do I contact?

Your first contact should be with your child’s teacher. Your child’s teacher will contact the building ICT (Instructional Consultation Team) and the building administrator.

Who do I contact if I have questions about my child's IEP?

Your first contact should be with your child’s special education provider. If you are not sure who your child’s special education provider is, contact your child’s teacher or building administrator and they can help direct you to the correct person. You may also contact the special education director at 616-794-4724.

What is a Personal Curriculum and who do I contact about finding out more information?

Information pertaining to requesting a Personal Curriculum can be found at the high school counseling offices. You may also visit Belding’s website under our Personal Curriculum Tab for numerous documents.

How do I find out information about the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC)?

To find out about the requirements of the new Michigan Merit Curriculum, you should contact the high school counseling department. You may also view information on the MDE website 

What is ICT?

ICT stands for Instructional Consultation Team. This is a team of individuals (teachers, school psychologists, school social workers) who work together to find strategies that help improve a student’s learning by giving the teacher and the student different strategies to use. Currently this process is being implemented at both Ellis and Woodview Elementary Schools. See ICT Tab for more information.

Who do I contact when my special needs student starts school in Belding?

Parents and students new to the district should register at the respective buildings for their student’s age /grade level. Inform the secretary that your child has previously received services with an IEP at their former school district. They will have you complete a Temporary Placement form and request a copy of your child’s IEP from your previous district. Services will begin once we can verify services with your previous district.

What does nutrislice do?

What does nutrislice do? *See Photos and Descriptions of food items *Filter common food allergens *Translate your menus into a different language *Access nutrition information

Download the free nutrislice app today Available at the iPhone App Store & Google Play Store
Locate the Website by typing in the URL:
Access your menus anywhere, anytime!

What is the best way to make payments to my food service account? What is a family account?

You can make payments by either cash or check. We encourage checks as that gives a better way to ‘track’ your payment. Online payments can also be made.

All students are listed under one payer. If you have more than one child in the school system any monies sent in will be credited to the payer’s account so that all of your children will draw off of your balance. Basically it is just one ‘bank’ account for your students.

My children had free lunch last year but not this year. Why is that?

A new application is needed each year. We send home an application at the beginning of the school year with every student. You may always reapply throughout the year if you have had a change in income.

How do I see my child's food service records?

Parents can access their food service records using their Skyward account information.

How can I get more nutritional information?

Belding Area Schools and Chartwells are happy to partner with Nutrislice. Please visit for nutritional information and your child's menu.

What does nutrislice do? *See Photos and Descriptions of food items *Filter common food allergens *Translate your menus into a different language *Access nutrition information

Download the free nutrislice app today Available at the iPhone App Store & Google Play Store
Locate the Website by typing in the URL:
Access your menus anywhere, anytime!

Can I rent any of the facilities at Belding Area Schools?

Yes. Please see the Facility Fees and Facility Use Guidelines Documents under the Facilities' Forms tab for more information. Then contact the Belding Area Schools Maintenance Department @ 616-794-4500.

How and why do parents contact the school counselor? 

  • Concerns over student achievement
  • Family health problems
  • New school registration and orientation
  • Discussing special needs of their child
  • Early discussion of potential crises
  • Family difficulties or concerns

How does a student see a counselor? 

A student or parent can see a counselor at any time if there is something of concern on their mind and they need someone to talk to. To make an appointment anyone can fill out a self-referral, request form, parent referral, administrative referral, teacher or other staff referral, or be referred by a friend.

What are the warning signs of drug and alcohol involvement?

Young people are bombarded every day with incorrect information and mixed messages about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The reality is that these substances are all linked with health problems, violence, vehicle crashes, unwanted and unsafe sex and other social problems.

Some warning signs that your child is involved with drugs and alcohol are:

  • Drop in grades
  • Switching friends
  • Emotional highs and lows
  • Defiance to rules and regulations
  • Becoming more secretive
  • Loss of initiative
  • Withdrawing from family functions
  • Suspicion of money and/or alcohol missing
  • Change in weight or hygiene

The above warning signs are just a few warning signs of possible drug and alcohol problems. Parents need to communicate with their teens. If you recognize or are uncomfortable with the changes you see in your child, talk to them.

What is grief? What is the recovery process? 

During the course of a lifetime teens experience many forms of loss. When a teen has a significant loss in their life they will deal with different levels of grief. People often think of grief as an emotional experience. Grief however can also be a physical, intellectual, social and spiritual experience. It will not only affect how a person feels, it will affect behavior. Here are some common ways people react during grief:

Physical Reactions

  • Deep Sighing
  • Neglect of Self
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Weight and Appetite Change
  • Rapid Heartbeat
  • Weakness and Fatigue
  • Resistance to Illness
  • Muscular Tension

Behavioral Reactions

  • Searching for What Was Lost
  • Disoriented to Time and Place
  • Blameful of Others
  • Crying
  • Seeking and providing forgiveness
  • Finishing "Unfinished Business"
  • Seeking Solitude
  • Preoccupied
  • Unable to Concentrate
  • Detaching from Surroundings

Emotional Reactions

  • Numbness
  • Sadness
  • Hopelessness
  • Bitterness
  • Peacefulness
  • Confusion
  • Yearning
  • Helplessness
  • Anger
  • Despair
  • Euphoria

These reactions are normal and helpful in the grieving process. Parents need to monitor their child's reactions and duration of the reactions. When a child cannot get back on track or starts to give up all together they need assistance. As parents we need to observe, listen and communicate with our child. We cannot take away the pain but we can help our children work through the pain and uncertainty of the loss. Young people need to understand that life goes on and that may be accompanied by pain. Students need to get back on task as soon as possible and work through the issues.

What is domestic violence? 

Often people believe that physical abuse is the only form of domestic violence and only occurs in adult relationships. Domestic violence involves many different types of abuse and age groups. Teen relationships are not immune from domestic violence (dating violence). Domestic violence can come in the form of threats, isolation, financial control and coercion. Any time a person is in a relationship that centers on these issues they need to get out. Students may need help in dealing with dating violence. Help can be found through RAVE by calling (616) 527-3351 or by contacting the guidance office.

What are the warning signs of suicide?

Young people face many issues in life that can cause them to become confused and frustrated. Young people look for answers to their issues in a variety of ways. Some of these ways are healthy and some are self-destructive. Suicide for some young people is seen as an answer to their seemingly invisible problems. Suicide is not usually the result of one event but the result of a series of extremely frustrating events.

Some causes of suicide maybe:

  • Substance-abuse
  • The break-up of the family
  • Depression
  • Feelings of insecurity
  • Illness or recent loss of a loved one
  • Broken love affair
  • Economic issue at home

Some behavioral clues that your child may display are:

  • Eating problems
  • Sleeping problems
  • Social withdrawal
  • Decrease in self care
  • Emotional behavior (sudden ups and downs)
  • Getting personal things in orders
  • Giving away personal belongings

These are just a few of the warning signs that your child might display if they are suicidal. Do not hesitate to get involved in your child's life. A good listener is sometimes the best parenting skill. Don't try to be an amateur psychologist and solve the problem. Get your child help. If you don't know where to turn call Community Mental Health at (616) 794-6592 or (616) 527-1790 (emergency phone number).

What is depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that affects the whole person body and mind. Depression can lead to:

  • Withdrawal from people and activities.
  • Loss of pleasure and enjoyment of life.
  • Feeling of sadness, disappointment or loss.
  • Physical discomfort, aches, pains, fatigue, poor digestion, sleep disturbances.

Most people feel down or "blue" now and then, but when these feelings are severe or prolonged the individual needs to get help. Parents can help their children help by contacting the guidance office, their insurance company or Community Mental Health at (616) 794-6592 or in case of emergency call (616) 527-1790.

What is the NCAA Clearinghouse?

Any student that is looking at playing a Division 1 or Division 2 sport needs to register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. Registration needs to take place by the end of the student's junior year. Information about the Clearinghouse can be found at

What is dual enrollment?

Juniors and seniors who meet our dual enrollment requirements have the opportunity to take classes at college. Dual enrollment gives students the opportunity to earn college credit while in college. See Dual Enrollment Guidelines under academics.

How will my child pay for college?

Students will need to apply for financial aid by filling out their Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This form is filled out after January 1st of your child's senior year. Belding hosts a financial aid meeting every December for parents. A list of scholarships that seniors can apply for is located in the guidance office and on the web site.

What if my child has fallen behind credits?

Your student's counselor should be contacted if you feel your child is falling behind in credits. The sooner this issue can be addressed the better. Students may be eligible to attend night school or work on Nova Net classes after school. Nova Net is a computer based curriculum that can be used to do credit recovery.

Summer school provides another option for earning credit. Every year summer school programs change so you need to contact the guidance office starting in April to determine which schools will be offering classes.

Students who fall too far behind in credits may need to return for one or more semesters. This decision needs to be made with a guidance counselor and administrator.

When can my child start to look at colleges?

Students can utilize the Internet to locate information on colleges as well as careers. The guidance counselor can help guide your child through these web sites so they can gather information. During your child's junior and senior year they have an opportunity to visit with colleges. The procedures for these visits are outlined in this section. Seniors should start applying to college in September of their senior year. Applications can be in the guidance office or on the colleges' web sight. Applications or the counselor page of the application should be turned into the guidance counselor so an official transcript can be sent in.

How does my child talk to a college representative?

During your child's junior and senior year they will have several opportunities to speak with a college representative. During the fall several colleges visit the high school to give students information on their college. Students are also allowed to take a college visit during their junior and senior year.

To visit a representative at school the student must sign-up in the guidance office. Students are allowed three in-house and three on-campus visits each year (junior and senior). To make an on-campus visit a student must first speak to their guidance counselor and follow the following guidelines:

  • Need to give at least a two-week notice to the guidance office.
  • Call the college or visit their web sight to schedule a visit.
  • Parents need to call the attendance secretary at 794-4979 the day of the visit to excuse the absence.
  • Return a signed letter on university/college stationary as proof of the visit.
  • Students are responsible for the classroom work the day of their absence.

How does the college receive my AP score(s)?

When a student is taking an AP exam, they are asked to bubble in the college code of their choice.

How does a student receive college credit for an AP course exam?

A student receiving a 3, 4, or 5 on the AP exam will receive 3, 4, or 5 college credits.

To find out how many credits the college of your choice gives for each AP exam, go to and click on AP Credit Policy Info.

Is there a fee waiver?

Yes. If a student qualifies for free or reduced lunch, is homeless, or has an extenuating circumstance, the fee may be waived. The AP coordinator for the district will work with the student to find out if he or she can qualify for a fee waiver.

Is there a fee to take the exam?

Yes. The fee for the 2015 exams was $92.

When are the AP exams given?

The AP exams are given the first two weeks in May.

What semester(s) are the AP courses taught?

The AP courses are taught over two semesters in one school year.

What AP courses are taught at Belding Area Schools?

  • Biology (11-12th grade)
  • Calculus (10th-12th grade)
  • Environmental Science
  • English Literature and Composition (12th grade)
  • Physics (11-12th grade)
  • United States History (10-12th grade)

What does AP mean?

Advanced Placement (AP) is a designation for courses that are taught at the college level.

What if a student doesn't live with their parent(s)? Can they still apply for financial aid?

A student is not considered "independent" until they are 24 years old or can say yes to any of the following: are married, have a dependent, are a veteran, an orphan, or a dependent/ward of the court. There may be circumstances where a student doesn't live with their parents and still qualify for independent status. Each case is evaluated on an individual basis by the financial aid office.

What type of loans are available?

Most loans go through the college financial aid office. There are federal subsidized and unsubsidized. The difference is with the subsidized loans is the federal government pays the interest until the student finishes school and with the unsubsidized, the interest accumulates until the loan/s are paid back. There are also parent loans that generally are applied for at the college financial aid office.

How does a student apply for a scholarship?

There are many types of scholarships. Many are based on a student's grade point average (GPA) and/or ACT score. The Michigan Competitive Scholarship is based on the ACT score (must at least have a 90 or 23 composite) and financial need (based on EFC). The Michigan Promise is based on the student's Michigan Merit Exam (MME) scores. Also there are many other types of scholarships. For example there are athletic, music, writing (essay), drama, and art scholarships. There are separate applications for many scholarships. Some college scholarships are awarded automatically if a student's GPA and ACT score meet their criteria. There are also separate applications that are found online or in the guidance office scholarship folder.

How does a student apply for a grant?

A grant is gift money that is awarded to a student based on their family financial situation. Colleges award grants to students based on the financial information that is received from the Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA).

How does one apply for financial aid?

A student can't apply for financial aid until January 2 of their senior year in high school. The Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) is completed online at or a paper one can be filled out and mailed. The student will then receive a Student Aid Report (SAR), which will state the student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC). This information also is sent to the college/s that the student indicated on the FAFSA. The college then will send the student an award letter stating what the student qualifies for—grants, need based and talent based scholarships, federally subsidized loans, unsubsidized federal loans, parent loans, or private lender loans.

What is federal financial aid?

Federal student aid is federal assistance through the U.S. Department of Education that’s available if a student is enrolled in an eligible program as a regular student at a school participating in federal student aid programs.

How do I sign up for Community Ed Programs?

Call our Community Education office at 794-4646 to sign up for one of our many Enrichment programs. We can also provide you with more information on all of the programs and classes we offer.

How will my child benefit by attending an Early Childhood Program?

Your child will benefit by development in the following areas:

  • Development of sense of self-worth.
  • Awareness and appreciation of the world around him/her.
  • Development of basic skills for using creative materials – paints, crayons, scissors, etc.
  • Ability to interact positively with other children and adults.
  • Increase of attention span through listening to stories, discussions, and directions.
  • Enjoyment of music, stories, poems, and games.
  • Vocabulary improvement, auditory and visual discrimination, develop number and reading readiness.
  • Improvement of coordination – large and small muscle.
  • Development and improvement of sharing with other children.
  • Development of self-control and group participation.


What is credit recovery?

In 2010-11, Belding High School implemented a new process to allow students to recover credits and pass classes that they have failed by focusing specifically on course concepts and standards in which they are deficient rather than having them repeat an entire course.

To illustrate this program, let’s assume a student, Jim, has failed a math class with a grade of 56%. In looking at his grades, we see that Jim has passed two tests but failed three. When grades for quizzes and homework were added into the mix, his final grade in the class was 56%. In the past, Jim would have to repeat the entire class to receive his math credit. In this credit recovery model, Jim will focus only on the course content and material that he failed or failed to complete the first time around. He will report to the credit recovery room and pick up a packet or complete assignments assigned on e20/20 that will help him learn and review the material for which he will be tested. E20/20 is a computer based learning system. When he completes the assignment, he will turn the packet in to the credit recovery teacher and take a test over that material. When he is able to pass all of the tests, and demonstrate that he has learned the material, he will receive credit for the class. By focusing only on material that was failed the first time, students don’t have to repeat material they already know.

If a student does recoup credit through this process, their original failing grade remains on his/her transcript. A much better alternative to this would be to take advantage of credit intervention which allows students to retake tests during the semester before final grades are issued. Students who fail a test can retake it for a higher grade and raise his/her grade before the final grades are issued. We consider this to be a credit intervention. This process is at the discretion of individual teachers and departments.

Credit recovery is available for English language arts, math and science.

If a student needs to miss school at the end of the term, will they be able to take their final exam early?

No. As we attempt to maintain the integrity of exam process, we will have to ask any student who misses an exam as a result of an absence, to make it up upon their return (after the term ends). A student who misses the exam window in June will need to return to BHS during summer break to complete their exams.

How are suspensions served and can work be made up?

Belding High School does not have an In School Suspension (ISS) room. On a rare occasion, students may be assigned to serve ISS at Belding Middle School, but the majority of suspension days will be OSS (Out of School Suspension). Students may make up work for days they are suspended whether they serve ISS or OSS.

What is ASD?

ASD (After School Detention) is assigned for unexcused absences, excessive tardies and minor discipline infractions (see student handbook for details). ASD is generally on Wednesday (on a rare occasion it may be moved due to the weekly schedule) from 2:40 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the commons. Students are to report outside the Assistant Principal’s office to check in and will be assigned a place to work until 3:30 p.m.. If a student fails to report for an assigned ASD, they will be given a day of suspension the following day. Students are reminded of assigned ASDs via student email.

Is tutoring available?

Tutoring is available after school by appointment. National Honor Society students are available to help students struggling with coursework. Students may get a pass to ride the late bus if transportation is an issue. Please see your counselor to schedule sessions.

What is the attendance/tardy policy?

Students are most successful when they are in class every day and on time. For this reason, students are assigned After School Detentions and/or reported to the County of Ionia for truancy when this does not occur. Starting with the 4th tardy, students will be assigned an After School Detention (see below) for each tardy in any given class. After 10 absences in a school year, it is possible that students will be reported to the County for truancy. It is extremely important that parents call in within 24 hours of an absence to excuse it to help avoid this process. Please see the student handbook for further details.

What should I know about High School Graduation Requirements? 

Dear Parents,

It is never too soon to look ahead to high school graduation requirements. Until recently, the only state requirement was a .5 credit in civics. As you can see by the chart below, the state now requires 16 credits. These credits could be acquired through subject and integrated (mixed subject) classes, as well as, career and technical education programs. Credits obtained prior to high school will also count. Middle school students who successfully complete algebra and the final exam in the eighth grade will earn one of these high school credits.

Required credits include:

4 Credits Mathematics including Algebra I; Geometry, Algebra II; including one credit in senior year
4 Credits English Language Arts aligned with subject area content expectations developed by MDE
3 Credits Science including Biology; Physics or Chemistry; one additional science credit
3 Credits Social studies including .5 credit in Civics; .5 credit in Economics; U.S. History and Geography; World History and Geography
1 Credit Physical Education/Health credit guidelines to be developed by MDE
1 Credit Visual, Performing, Applied Arts credit guidelines to be developed by MDE

In addition to the credits outlined above, students must take an online course or learning experience; or have the online learning experience incorporated into each of the required credits of the Michigan Merit Curriculum. Beginning with the Class of 2016 (third graders in Fall 2006), students will need to complete two credits of a world language in grades 9-12; or have an equivalent learning experience in grades K-12. Belding Middle School students currently earn their online experience in our encore classes if they have computer applications, video productions, web design or multimedia productions.

What are Encore classes?

Encore classes are a very important part of our program at BMS. In fact, our encore classes help students meet requirements for high school graduation. For example, the state of Michigan requires all students to have an “online experience” while they are in school. This can come in middle school or high school, but it is required. All students who have a computer class will get this experience, which may excuse them from certain classes at the high school. Additionally, all 8th grade students will receive one year of Spanish and receive high school credit if the course requirements for credit are met.

The State also requires students to prepare an Educational Develop Plan (EDP). Career Cruising, a web based program, is used in computer applications to explore post high school career and schooling options and to create EDPs. Encore classes also use Career Cruising to teach students about careers and Career Pathways that match their area of expertise. For example, in health class students learn about careers in the Health and Human service pathway; in Spanish they learn about careers in Human Services; in art they learn about Arts and Communication.

As a rule we try to schedule each student in computer applications and health. (Students who are in band will be less likely to have these classes, especially if they are also in choir or guitar class.) If students do not have computer applications, they will prepare their EDP in the spring so it is ready for high school.

We are fortunate to have such an extensive variety of encore classes at BMS to enrich each child’s educational experience.

What is Guided Independent Reading (G.I.P)?

Dear Parents:

I am sure you have noticed the Guided Independent Reading (G.I.R.) grade on your child’s report card. Just in case you have not had a chance to learn about this grade earlier in the year when the teachers sent home information, I would like to explain this grade again.

Belding Middle School made a commitment to the Accelerated Reading (AR) program several years ago. AR is a research-based program that encourages daily reading. With AR, students read books at their individual reading level, and take quizzes to assess their understanding when they are finished reading. Research on AR finds that students need to read 30-60 minutes each day, at their independent reading level to improve their reading fluency and comprehension. We set aside at least 20 minutes each day at the middle school and we use an online version of AR that gives students access to nearly 100,000 book titles and quizzes. The grade for G.I.R. is determined by three components. Each student can earn a total of 250 points each marking period. Here are the three components considered in the G.I.R. grade:

1. Point Goal (100 Points). Each student has a point goal for AR that is determined by his or her reading level. Students will receive one point for each percent of their goal that they earn. For example, if Billy gets 85% percent of his point goal, he will earn 85 points out of 100.

2. Percent of Questions Correct Goal (100 points). The Percent of questions answered correctly on AR tests should average 85% for all students on every book they read. Research stresses that books must be read closely in order for students to make gains in comprehension.
85-100% of Questions Answered Correctly – 100 points
80 – 84% of Questions Answered Correctly – 80 points
75 – 79% of Questions Answered Correctly – 60 points
70 – 74% of Questions Answered Correctly – 40 points
65 – 69% of Questions Answered Correctly – 20 points
Below 65% of Questions Answered Correctly – 0 points

3. Book Level Goal (50 points). Students must read books within the range of their reading level. They will earn full points when they read at or above their prescribed level. They will receive fewer points if they choose less challenging books below their reading level.
Average at or above minimum book level – 50 points
Average .1-.5 points below minimum book level – 35 points
Average .6-1.0 points below minimum book level – 20 points
Average 1.1 – 1.5 points below minimum book level – 10 points
Average more than 1.5 points below book level – 0 points

When grades are computed, you can see that it is possible for a student to reach only 25 percent of his or her point total and still earn a C- in G.I.R. if they are meeting their goals in the other two areas. A student should be able to reach this range with minimal effort. Therefore, we feel that students who put forth a solid effort and take their AR time seriously each day should be well rewarded for their efforts.

How can I help my child with math?

Holt Mathematics online resources!

The online textbook brings the entire text to any internet-connected computer. Every page and every word of the print book is available online in an easy-to-navigate format—but bringing you the book is just the beginning.

Complementing the book pages are online tutorial videos. Holt authors carefully explain every example in every lesson, bringing both clarity and humor to the math learning experience. Links to the videos are right next to the examples they explain.

Holt’s online resources not only explain the math, but involve the students. Holt interactives provide opportunities to explore, review and practice skills that lead to mathematical success.

Looking for even more practice? Holt provides an online interactive practice quiz with each lesson to give students a quick read on their skills. Of course, Holt provides guidance for addressing any weak areas. Holt’s online textbook also includes printable practice problems, problem-solving exercises and notebook pages, along with interactive practice.

Having trouble with math vocabulary? Holt’s online multilingual glossary offers definitions, examples and even audio pronunciation of vocabulary words in English and in twelve additional languages.

Holt also includes learning tools, such as calculators (graphing, scientific, and statistical) algebra tiles and fraction bars for use in the classroom and at home.

Student’s access all of these resources at Holt’s online book site using an ID and password provided by their teacher. Parents can visit the web site at (no password needed) click on Mathematics, then click on the level and then on the book title your child is using. From the list click Parent Resources. Here you will find section overviews that illustrate & explain the math concepts your child is learning.

What is Career Cruising? 

Career Cruising is an Internet-based career exploration and planning tool your child will use while attending Belding Middle School to explore career and college options. Features of this program include:

• Interest & Skills Assessment – a world-renowned career assessment tool to help people identify suitable career options based on their interests and skills.
• Career Profiles – thorough and up-to-date information about hundreds of different occupations, including direct links between careers and college programs.
• Multimedia Interviews – interviews with real people in each occupation, which add depth and realism to career profiles.
• College and Financial Aid Information – comprehensive college and financial aid information.
• Electronic EDP Tool – available on-line so students can develop their education and career plans from wherever they access Career Cruising.
• Resume Building – integrated with the portfolio to help students format and print professional-looking resumes quickly and easily.

To find out more about Career Cruising, we encourage you to login using the school’s access information:

Username: belding
Password: middle

Click on “Start Career Cruising” to begin

If I would like to attend a school fieldtrip  with my son or daughter, what would I do?

When information is sent home regarding the fieldtrip by the classroom teacher, contact your child’s teacher to express interest in attending. Keep in mind, there are times when space is limited. Per state legislation, parents/volunteers are required to submit to a criminal background check. The background check consent form is in the main office.

What time does the school day begin, and end?

The first bell rings at 8:45 AM. At this time, students should be headed to their classrooms. Classes officially begin at 8:50 a.m.

Students can arrive at school anytime after 8:30 a.m. and must remain in the lobby area. Students are expected to go outside to the playground at this time.

Students who are being picked up are dismissed 3:50 p.m. Students who ride the bus are dismissed at 3:55 p.m.

How do I know what hot lunch is for the day?

The menu is posted on this website but may be subject to change if there are snow days.

My child is sick, what do I do?

Please call our attendance line at 794-4143. The information will then be transferred into our Skyward computer program.

How do I avoid the crowded parking lot when I drop off in the morning?

Our playground is supervised from 8:15 until the final bell rings at 8:40. If you drop your child off at the curb (not in the front, please, that’s for buses and handicapped only), by 8:30 – there isn’t a lot of traffic. After 8:30 it gets really busy! We also encourage parents to drop off rather than bringing their child into school. When a child knows he/she is independent enough to walk into school alone, that independence helps foster risk taking in learning inside the classroom.

How do I make a bus change? I want my child to be picked up or dropped off at a different location

Please call Transportation at 794-4970. They will fax over this change to Ellis and we will make sure the teacher receives the transportation change.

I want my child to take Dial-A-ride or walk. How does that work?

We have children who take Dial-A-Ride every day, and some who take it only occasionally after her parent has called the office to let us know. For those that ride Dial-A-Ride it is imperative that parents call Dial-A-Ride directly at 794-3278. Some children walk every day. In either case, we have a paraprofessional that takes both groups of students outside. She makes sure correct children are on the Dial-A-Ride bus, and walks the rest across Ellis as needed.

I want to pick up my child some days rather than having them ride the bus. How do I do that?

Call the office by 2:30 p.m. We will make sure the teacher receives a written note of the transportation change and the bus driver told your child will not be on the bus that day. If your child is in kindergarten, a paraprofessional will pick him up at his room and escort him to the Media Center. Children in first and second grades can find the Media Center on their own.

If my child needs to be administered medication at school, what do I do?

All medications, including over-the-counter medications, are kept in the clinic and must have appropriate physician and parent permission for administration on file. Forms can be picked up in the school office. All medications must be brought in and picked up by the parent. Medications must be in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician.

If my child is going to be late to school, can they still pick up their hot lunch for the day?

If your child is going to be late, but arrive prior to lunch, you would need to call the office by 9:15 AM with a lunch choice of A, B or C. Lunch menus are sent home monthly.

How will I know if school is delayed or closed for the day?

The decision to cancel school rests with the Superintendent of Schools. School delays/closings will be communicated on various media sources including WZZM Ch. 13, WOOD TV8, and local radio stations. The delay/closing will also be posted on this web site.

If I want to pick up my child up from school, and they normally ride the bus, what would I do?

You would need to either send a note with your child or call the office prior to 2:30 p.m. to make us aware of the change in transportation.

We would prefer parents wait in their vehicle when picking up their child. We feel this creates a much more safe and orderly environment. Please lineup in the circle drive area. As students are dismissed at the end of the day, staff members will escort them to the green portion of the circle drive. It is in this area that the pick up takes place. Please do not park in the staff lot and wave your child to your vehicle. We realize getting in line may take a little more time, however a few extra minutes are worth preventing a serious incident.

If you prefer to pick your child up in person at the end of the day, we ask you to park in the staff parking lot. When you come into the building, you will be asked to wait for your child in the lobby. Your child will be escorted to the lobby and released to you in person.

At what age can my child start school?

According to Michigan law, a child must be five by September 1 of the school year they are being enrolled.

How do I become a school board member?

To be eligible for election, a person must be a registered voter in the school district, a citizen of the U.S., be at least 18 years of age, a resident of the State of Michigan for at least 30 days, and a resident of the Belding Area School District for at least 30 days prior to the election.

Interested persons who wish to have their names on the ballot must secure signatures from a minimum of 40 registered voters or pay a $100 non-refundable filing fee in lieu of a petition. Petitions are available at the Superintendent’s Office, 850 Hall Street, Monday through Friday during normal business hours or at the Ionia County Clerk’s Office.

Nominating petitions or filing fees for local school board candidates must be filed with the Ionia County Clerk no later than 4:00 p.m. on the 12th Tuesday preceding the date of the election.

For further information please contact the Board of Education Office at 616.794.4700.

May I speak at a Board Meeting?

Every person attending an open meeting of a school board is entitled to address the board during the public participation portion of the meeting, as long as the person complies with reasonable rules adopted by the board.

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