What a privilege and blessing it is to live, learn, and lead in the community of Belding! We are proud to say that Belding High School is ranked as the top high school in Ionia and Montcalm County, with increasing achievement scores and many fantastic extra-curricular activities. It would be difficult to find more opportunities and examples of excellence in a more personalized setting than what we have at BHS. We are proud of our students and proud of the contributions of our staff. It is our hope that this pride will carry to our students and throughout the Belding community.
Personally, I believe I have the best job in the world! I love coming to school everyday and learning alongside our school community. I am committed to pushing our students and helping them find the best opportunities for success during their high school years and beyond. I believe deeply in the values of our school and care deeply about each student and staff member. Once again, I am thankful for the opportunities afforded to me by Belding High School and look forward to our continued success.
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