A personal curriculum is a documented process that modifies certain requirements of the Michigan Merit Curriculum.
Who is Eligible for a Personal Curriculum?
All students in grades 9—12 are eligible. Students with a documented disability and Individualized Education Plan (IEP) are eligible to modify the Michigan Merit Curriculum to a greater extent than their non disabled peers.
When Should a Personal Curriculum be Used?
The use of a personal curriculum is allowed by state statute for only three reasons:
- A student wishes to modify the mathematics requirement;
- A student wishes to go beyond the academic credit requirement by adding more math, science, English Language Arts, or foreign language credits;
- A student with a disability needs to modify the credit requirements based on his/her disability.
Can a Personal Curriculum be Used to Modify the Entire Michigan Merit Curriculum?
- The purpose of the personal curriculum is to modify portions of the Michigan Merit Curriculum that are not appropriate for the student;
- Graduation with a diploma requires mastery of as much of the Michigan Merit Curriculum content expectations as possible;
- Students without a disability: modification is limited to a specific set of options set forth in the law;
- Students with a disability who have an IEP: modifications of credit requirements may be sought;
- Because a personal curriculum leads to a high school diploma, it cannot modify the Michigan Merit Curriculum to the extent that it creates an alternative curriculum;
- The personal curriculum must be based on the required competency-based credits, unless the deletion of a half-credit of math (second semester of Algebra II) is approved as part of the personal curriculum request.
Is a Student Eligible for a High School Diploma if They Have a Personal Curriculum?
A student who completes a personal curriculum and fulfills any additional local board of education graduation requirements is to be awarded a high school diploma.
Who Can Request a Personal Curriculum?
- Parent or legal guardian
- Student with adult status (age of majority)
- Emancipated minor
When Can a Personal Curriculum be Requested?
- Any time for students with disabilities;
- No timeline for any student except in the areas of mathematics and social studies;
- For more information, contact the guidance counselor/administrator.
What is the Process for Requesting a Personal Curriculum?
Complete a Personal Curriculum Request Form found in the guidance office and submit it to a guidance counselor/administrator.
Graduation Requirements 2011-2016
Students graduating in June 2011-15: 27 credits
- 4 English
- 4 Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and one other)
- 3 Social studies (.5 civics, .5 Economics, US History and geography, World History and Geography)
- 3 Science (Biology, Chemistry OR Physics, and 1 additional credit)
- 1 PE/Health
- 1 Visual/Performing/Applied Arts
- Online learning experience-either a course or online learning experience incorporated into EACH of the REQUIRED CREDITS
Students graduating in June 2016-: 27 credits plus additional requirements
- 4 English
- 4 Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and one other)
- 3 Social Studies (.5 civics, .5 economics, US history and geography, World History and geography and 1 additional credit)
- 3 Science (Biology, Chemistry OR Physics, and 1 additional credit)
- 1 PE/Health
- 1 Visual/Performing/Applied Arts
- 2 World Languages credits
- Online learning experience- either a course or online experience incorporated into EACH of the REQUIRED CREDITS
Special Education Students:
The Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) shall identify appropriate supports, accommodations, and /or modifications necessary to allow the pupil to progress in the mandated curricular requirements to meet the requirements for a high school diploma.
The appropriate course or course of study may be discussed at the IEP but it will not be specifically written into the IEP itself.
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